Sabtu, 26 November 2011

What is highschool?

Drama & fights. Laugh & tears. Breakups & makeups. It's rushing to grow up, then realizing you want your innocence.

It's hurting over someone else.
It's getting drunk and having your bestfriend hold your hair back as you puke, then re-capping your night the next morning.
It's jealous and envy, rumors & gossip.
It's wannabe sluts & church girls.
It's getting knocked over again & again to the point where you question you should stay down.
It's disappointments and lies.
It's those night when you WANT to be alone but you don't want to FEEL alone.
It's those knots in your stomache that make you want to cry
A fake smile forced upon your face for so long, people actually believe you're happy.
It's getting backstabbed & feeling betrayed.
It's hearing lie after lie so you can learn to trust anyone but yourself
It's tears on your cheeks that you want to be wiped by one person, the person who made you cry in the first place.
It's growing up, meeting new people.
It's moving on in time, lots & lots of time.
It's whising bad things onto people out of anger, it's hope for a happy future and wishing on 11:11
It's learning and discovering new things.
It's hurting but still trying.
It's learning from the past mistakes & it's laughing over someone you once cried over.
It's getting stronger, becoming independent.
It's seeing you can & happy for your own.

So, What is highschool?

It's realization that you're so young, carefree & having fun. A future on your feet. So maybe it's hurt but that's life. If things always went the way we wanted them to, we'd never appreciate them. Don't listen to everything you hear & take chances, even if it risks getting hurt. Smile & mean it because in 30 years from now you're going to look back on those years you rushed throught & all you want is highschool.

---Alyssa Russo.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Wow, lupa ya. Sebegitu gak pentingnya ternyata... Oh. Atau gengsi? Malu? Hahaha. Kayak ga pernah kenal aja sih.

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Aku suka aku suka

Aku suka nulis lho. Tapi aku slalu malu buat nge-
publish 'tulisanku' di depan umum. Soalnya aku mikirnya gak cocok aja anak kaya aku nulis begituan... Dan pada akhirnya hobi terpendam ku itu pun aku realisasikan di note hp -_-

Aku suka baca novel lho. Tapi anak-anak slalu ga percaya kalo aku suka baca novel. Paling mentok mereka percaya kalo aku suka baca komik Doraemon.

Aku suka nyanyi lho. Meskipu aku tau level ku cuma sebatas penyanyi kamar...*bukan penyanyi kamar mandi soalnya ntar dari luar kedengeran dong*

Aku suka ngeliatin baju-baju unyu di internet sambil ngiler. Karena aku tau aku gabakalan cocok pake itu. -_-

Aku suka lampu jalanan. Terutama waktu malem hari. It's inspired me.

Aku suka moto. Gak peduli hasilnya bagus atau enggak..

Aku suka ngumpul-ngumpul bareng keluarga. It's a precious time and priceless.

Aku suka warna ungu & tosca. Just so you know..

Aku suka...Aku suka...Sebenernya masih banyak lagi yang aku suka...-_-

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011


Last sunday was pretty fun! Setelah sekian lama ga ketemu anak-anak sd, akhirnya...ketemu juga meskipun beberapa. Kangen bangeeet, 2 tahun an lho ga ketemu :P We talked about eeverything. I guess my life has change a
lot since I didn't meet 'em :P

Me on the right side wearing pink veil O:). Btw, #kagetdanbahagia adalah saat aku ngukur tinggiku sama Nana (wearing green veil) dan ternyata....tinggiku hampir sama! xD xD xD
(padahal dulu waktu SD aku se pundaknya-_- zz.)

Ini waktu karaokee~

Anak-anak: *nyanyi-nyanyi*
k: ............................*ngglundung*

Ini foto ter-neges nya iky=))))))))

Waktu itu itu seneng banget lah pokoknya.Dari mulai buber,karaoke,sampe curhat seng mbiyen-mbiyen sama Nadaya. Nadaya emang sumber ke-galauan kok.

Hmmmph. Buuttt, thankyou for that day,guisee!<3 Lotta fun!
Ayo rek kapan gini lagi? (•̯͡.•̯͡)~(˘▾˘~) ~(˘▾˘)~ (~˘▾˘)~

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Strange is The Song in Our Conversation - Monkey To Millionaire

Walking on the edge of an empty pool
That we thought it was cool
We lower down our voices
We're holding our laughs
Cos the moon are standing there without a noise

You're asking 'bout a boyfriend and girlfriend thing
Into our late night conversation
You sounded like you're so interested, so I feel like
I want to share it with you

After few hours of our conversation
You told me, you only sleep when there's someone singin'
So I sing to you a song called a "STRANGE"

Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
"Strange" is the song in our conversation
"Strange" is the song in our conversation

Couple of stories has already been told
and few things about has already been told
You're sound so quiet so I whisper to you
Well I guess that you have found your own world yeah

Couple of stories has already been told
and few things about has already been told
You're sound so quiet so I whisper to you
Well I guess it's time to end it so I said to you
"I hope that we could talk again someday"

After few hours of our conversation
You told me, you only sleep when there's someone singin'
So I sing to you a song called a "STRANGE"

Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
"Strange" is the song in our conversation
"Strange" is the song in our conversation

After few hours of our conversation
You told me, you only sleep when there's someone singin'
So I sing to you a song called a "STRANGE"

Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
Then I heard no more words
Coming out from you
"Strange" is the song in our conversation
"Strange" is the song in our conversation.

Totally in love with this song. Hah!

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011


Jika suatu hari kau ingin dilahirkan kembali, maka jadilah angin,

Kata seseorang.

Kenapa harus angin?

Tanya seorang lainnya.

Karena, meskipun tak tersentuh, tak teraba, dan tak terdengar, angin selalu ada. Ia tak ingin hanya sekedar menjadi udara biasa, yang dihirup lalu dikeluarkan kembali. Ia ingin banyak orang menyadari bahwa ia ada. Ia ingin menunjukkan keberadaannya pada orang lain. Ia ingin beritahukan pada dunia bahwa ia tidak sekedar biasa. Maka ia harus melakukan sesuatu. Ia harus melakukan gerakan. Karena memang itulah konsep angin sebenarnya. Angin adalah udara yang bergerak.

Angin itu kuat. Meskipun keberadaannya nyaris tak nampak, tapi ia mampu menggesek dedaunan, menggerakkan kincir angin, bahkan menciptakan badai. Ia harus bersusah payah bergerak cepat dan menelusuri setiap ujung bumi agar setiap makhluk yang bernyawa merasakan kehadirannya dan menghargai keberadaannya.

Lantas, apa hubungannya denganku?

Maka jadilah seperti angin. Yang tak hanya diam dan menerima nasibnya secara pasrah. Ia melawan setiap rintang yang menghalangi agar ia mampu melakukan sesuatu dan memberikan yang terbaik pada dunia tempat ia bernaung. Jadilah pemberani sepertinya, yang mampu melintasi tiap senti kehidupan dan menghadapinya, apapun itu. Jadilah orang yang tidak hanya berpatokan pada nasib, tapi mau bermimpi dan berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik dan bertanggung jawab pada setiap pilihan yang ia buat.

copied from someone blog.

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

1st day of July..

I'm scared.
I don't even know why. I'm just scared for everything in my life.

I'm scared of myself, I'm scared of my past,my future, and what i have today.
I'm afraid of losing them..

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Here's to the kids..

"Here's to the kids.

The kids who would rather spend their night with a bottle of coke & Patrick or Sonny playing on their headphones than go to some vomit-stained high school party.
Here's to the kids whose 11:11 wish was wasted on one person who will never be there for them.
Here's to the kids whose idea of a good night is sitting on the hood of a car, watching the stars.
Here's to the kids who never were too good at life, but still were wicked cool.

Here's to the kids who listened to Fall Out boy and Hawthorne Heights before they were on MTV...and blame MTV for ruining their life.
Here's to the kids who care more about the music than the haircuts.
Here's to the kids who have crushes on a stupid lush.
Here's to the kids who hum "A Little Less 16 Candles, A Little More Touch Me" when they're stuck home, dateless, on a Saturday night.
Here's to the kids who have ever had a broken heart from someone who didn't even know they existed.
Here's to the kids who have read The Perks of Being a Wallflower & didn't feel so alone after doing so.
Here's to the kids who spend their days in photobooths with their best friend(s).
Here's to the kids who are straight up smartasses & just don't care.
Here's to the kids who speak their mind.
Here's to the kids who consider screamo their lullaby for going to sleep.
Here's to the kids who second guess themselves on everything they do.
Here's to the kids who will never have 100 percent confidence in anything they do, and to the kids who are okay with that.
Here's to the kids.

This one's not for the kids,
who always get what they want,
But for the ones who never had it at all.
It's not for the ones who never got caught,
But for the ones who always try and fall.
This one's for the kids who didnt make it,
We were the kids who never made it.
The Overcast girls and the Underdog Boys.
Not for the kids who had all their joys.
This one's for the kids who never faked it.
We're the kids who didn't make it.
They say "Breaking hearts is what we do best,"
And, "We'll make your heart be ripped of your chest"

The only heart that I broke was mine,
When I got My Hopes up too too high.
We were the kids who didnt make it.
We are the kids who never made it."

Pete Wentz

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

This is the time when i changed ''everything'' with ''you'' in my life dictionary.
-Rahne Putri

Minggu, 10 April 2011

Stupid Things

I try my hardest to be good enough for everyone.
I spend hours scrolling post on tumblr just to find the right one to describe my mood.
I online&wait for that certain person to sign on, just to gather up the nerve to say Hello.
I listen to the same song dozens of times because the lyrics mean a lot and the memory play in my mind.
I wish upon a shooting star or 11:11 for someone who never care.
I am sad cause you aren't here..

-Edited from Tumblr

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

This is for all boys in this world.

You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you know? what else matter?
She's not perfect-you aren't either, and two of you may never be perfect together.
Admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can.
She may not be thingking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that you can break- yes, that's her heart.
So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect her more than she can give.

Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she isn't there.

coppied from-tumblr

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Amazing Jekarda!!!

tau gak tau gak tau gak. aku bener bener gak nyesel loh ikut studex ke Jakarta.

Let me tell yaah.

15 Januari 2011

Berangkat! berangkat ke Jakarta sama anak anak. Pake jaket ijo-biru tulisan Spensix Surabaya ada angka nomer 6 Kalo ga salah take off jam 9 an kali ya, terus sampe sana jam 10-set 11 an lah. Terus dijemput pake mobil, lanjut ke Smp19jkt. Pertama nyampe disana..................

ealah. sekolahane yo kotak. koyok spensix. Ya tapi emang sih masih besaran sanaa. dan ternyata waktu kita kesana itu lagi ada nineteen cup. How cool? Terus kita ke aula deh. perkenalan perkenalan gitu, terus pulang ke rumah masing masing.

Eaaa! Finally ketemu Disa lagi^^^ Seneng taugasih. Habis itu kita kemana ya........ummm kyknya waktu itu ke pim deh soalnya ortu nya disa mau beli apaa gitu lupa. Habis gitu pulaang, cerita cerita

16 Januari 2011

Hoaaaam. Bangun pagi pagiii. Soalnya hari tour! \:D/ Ngumpul disekolah. sebenernya agak useless sih soalnya ujung ujung nya jg pake mobilnya disa -_-v
Terus kita berangkatttt. Waktu itu ke museum museum gitu wes. Tapi seneeng kok. Terus kita sholat dulu di masjid istiqlal. taugakakubarupertamakalilhokesini. How ndeso -_-v
terusss sebenernya kita mau ke planetarium gitu tapi gajadi, jadinya kita nonton nineteen cup. terus kita ke pim barenggg

17 Januari 2011

Yak. First day of school! Sebernernya......takut. Bukannya gimana gitu yaa. tapi katanya senioritas bgt. hikss cheer me up! ;( -_-
Hampir aja telat, untung enggaaak. Terus kita upacara gitu. dan tau gak....yang namanya kakak kelas sama adek kelas disini perbedannya keliatan bgt......

Hari pertama pelajaran biasa. Dan untungnya sekelas sama verin. sebangku juga..alhamdulillah.

18 Januari 2011

Hari kedua sekolah. sebenernya hari ini pelajaran biasa ajaa. tapi................kita jam 10 ke Dufan!

tapi ya.kenapa.bisnya.harus.dipisah.sih.
jadi bis yang cewek dipisah sama yang cowok. jadinya kita gabung sama anak malang :< api seneng bgtttttttt. main barengggg
yaa pokoknya unforgetttttttable lah oouh ciyeh

19 Januari 2011

Waktu itu.......nothingwasreallyspecial. cuma pelajaran biasa, ta
pi waktu itu kita latihan buat perpisahaan. terus kalo gasalah aku sm keluarga nya disa ke pasific place. eh....mboseh. but it was fun

20 Januari 2011

TMII time! kita kesana terus ke bagian apa gitu lup
a hehe -_-v naik gondola bareeeng. fun fun fun

21 Januari 2011

perpisahan. perpisahan. perpisahan. perpisahan.
sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih.
kita ansambel kepompong sama nyanyiin Fall For You
sama Rek ayo Rek.
beneran sedih.

22 Januari 2011

Time to go hommie. Gaaah waktu udah betah aja disuruh pulang, wuttdafck. mungkin udah gak bisa ketemu disa lagi:''( cipae lia muti au bianca and all the boyss :'(

thanks for an amazing week with you,guys! :')