Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Lalu kemudian saya sadar.

Saya sudah terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu saya, untuk seseorang dan sesuatu yang bukan semestinya.

Minggu, 25 November 2012


4 hari (dipaksa) ikut ke Jogja dalam rangka rekreasi kantor nya Bapak, padahal lagi sakit. Tapi alhamdulillah  lah ya ga rugi.. :D

Malioboro, taken from hotel
Banyu Mili Resto & Swimming Pool's backyard. I could stay forever.

Jogja, one of my fave city ever. loving the atmosphere, the people, the streets, and the food (haha!). Feels like home..

Home - She & Him

....I could be your welcome, I could be your greeterI could be sweet and I could be sweeterI want to be where your heart is home....''

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

October post?!


I don't knoww what should I write, anw. Hmmm... maybe you can just simply listen to my current favorite song..

The xx - VCR

You, you still have all the answers
And you, you still have them too
And we, we live half in the day time
And we, we live half at night

Watch things on V-C-R's, with me and talk about big love
I think we're superstars, you say you think we are the best thing

But you, you just know, you just do

When I find myself by the sea, in another's company by the sea
When I go out the pier, gonna die and have no fear
Because you, you just know, you just do

Watch things on V-C-R's, with me and talk about big love
I think we're superstars, you say you think we are the best thing

But you, you just know, you just do

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012


Waktu itu, waktu SMP, berangkat sekolah jam 6.10 dan gerbang ditutup jam 6.30 sedangkan rumah-sekolah biasanya butuh waktu 20-30 menit perjalanan. Telat? Ga peduli, udah rutinitas.
Waktu itu, waktu SMP, dikasih pr jtga jarang di kerjain. Berharap guru-nya ga masuk.
Waktu itu, waktu SMP, bisa dengan gampang nya ijin ke kamar mandi, tapi faktanya malah ke kantin.Makan, atau cuma sekedar beli jajan. Atau yang paling asik, ijin ke kamar mandi tapi malah kabur pelajaran sambil muterin sekolah; yg sebenernya kecil banget buat diputerin.
Waktu itu, waktu SMP, yang namanya dengerin guru nerangin itu seminggu cuma beberapa kali, sisanya tanya temen.
ktu itu, waktu SMP, ah...asik banget.

Bukannya gimana-gimana sih, tapi ya namanya anak baru lulus SMP kan ya, pasti masih kebayang-bayang sama kehidupan SMP dulu. Bukannya gak bersyukur bisa masuk sma yang favorit, tapi ya mau gimana?

Mungkin emang belum betah, masih kaget. Kaget sama pr-pr nya yang naudzubillah buanyaknya, sama pelajarannya, sama guru-guru nya, sama temen-temen SMA yang kok beda banget kelakuannya sama temen SMP dulu.

Aduh, kangen Spensix.

Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Not auto-refresh

Hello, It's 46 days ago since my last post, a long time maybe? Hahahahaha i kinda miss this blog *well actually, not really. Upss

But Alhamdulillah, national exam was finally over. I've done my best and it's time to pray to Allah for the best result. I exactly want to get the highest as possible for it, and SMALA as my next high school. Bismillah.


Anyway, Me and my family had a short vacation on Malang for 2 days. I kinda happy because that was the time for me to refresh my brain for a while from a lot of test and all of it's friend -_- hahaha. Here goes the pict..

The sun started to shine

High 5!

Brother and Mum. :p

Me, taken by Mum

Does anyone know why isbs so hard to upload photo to blogger? I've been trying so hard like 100times but the photo always broken. :| poor me. Wait for another photo, folks.


Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

H-46 UNAS.
I should be ready for that.

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012


Every time she laughs, she hopes he's watching. Not so that he sees that she's happy, but maybe he'll fall for her smile as she fell for his.

Senin, 30 Januari 2012


It's ok to not to be okay. It's ok to feel so damn disappointed. It's ok to be stressed out. It's ok to shed a lotta tears. It's ok to not feeling wanted. It's ok if you hate society, even your family.

'Cause sometimes, I do it too..